Reflective Summary
Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 10:51 PM


I have learnt about why ocelot is being endangered [because human being], how they looked like and learnt that animals also have feelings like a human. I also learnt to be kind towards animals and not take their advantage because of their beautiful and attractive skins. Now, I have learn a lot more about ocelots.

At first I thought that ocelots are endangered because hunter killed most of them. After reading the articles, I was surprised that it is caused by human beings who wanted their skins and sold them just because of money. This shows that some human beings are very cruel.

I felt very disappointed. I thought human are kind and helpful but after seeing what they did to the ocelot, I have change my perspective. They are so selfish. Some think that their needs are more important then other animal’s life. I am not referring to everyone. Some people are still kind and considerate as they think of the animals first than themselves.

I could spread around the information about ocelot are endangered and tell them that why they should be saved by hunters. I also hope people will reflect on what have they done to the ocelots.

I could suggest people to build a natural habitat for endangered animal. This will allow them to continue to reproduce more and more until they are not endangered anymore. If they are not endangered anymore, they could set them free and let them roam around. This will also help the food chain remain balance.


One must arrest the desire to hunt an ocelot and enable this colossal animal to prosper and regain its pristine glory. I hope it does not extinct and let the sense of wonder and pleasure remains. Ocelots are very mysterious as it is very rare and one in a million saw it. It will be a great experience to view it everyday. How lucky if I were to seen it! [299 words]


Reflective journal 5 - ocelot
@ 1:27 AM

I will be sharing with you what are my thoughts about ocelot. I feel that ocelots should be free and not be killed by hunters. They should be playing around together with other ocelots. Ocelots are being forced to die. I think the ocelots will think those human beings are the cruelest creature on the planet.

The ocelot is protected by the Lacey Act which makes it illegal to transport, import, export, sell, receive, acquire or purchase any wild animal that is taken in violation of the law. In the United States, the ocelot is also protected by the Recovery Plan for the Listed Cats of Arizona and Texas. The primary objective of this plan is to maintain the ocelot’s population in Texas.

Even though I am relieved that they are protecting the ocelots, I still hope that ocelot’s population can increase. I think everyone in the past who wear their skins and killed them own them an apology. I hope this situation do not appear again in the future. Ocelots need their body covering for various purposes like camouflaging. Imagine, without skins they cannot catch their prey as they are easily spotted. This will lead to starvation. Besides starvation they also feel the pain of being “skinless”.

There are only 217 Ocelots left in the whole wide world! If you ever managed to see an Ocelot, you are very lucky as this is very rare like a jewel! The numbers of Ocelots left in the world is caused by hunters from the past. Please stop the hunters from getting close to the ocelots. All the reasons for ocelot being endangered are link to the hunters. Do not let animals hate human being! We must make them love us as we are warm-hearted, kind and gracious citizens.
[308 words]

i got this information at http://www.livingdesert.org/animals/ocelot.asp.


Reflective journal 4 - ocelot
@ 1:11 AM

[paragraph 1]
My group has chosen the animal, Ocelot. After reading the passage about why ocelot is endangered, I know that Ocelot is well known in South American. This is because its pelt being the mainstay of the fur trade and for the fact that it was frequently kept as a pet. I was thinking why would people want to keep them as pets? They are carnivores that mean they will bite anything they see. They also have sharp claws which will damage people’s furniture and scratch everywhere. Imagine how the house would be. Back in the 1980’s, Ocelot fur coats are sold for $40,000.00 and the live animal as a pet is sold for $800.00. It is so expensive, no wonder everyone wants to hunt this rare Ocelot. This was the main reason why ocelots are endangered because their skins were so valuable. At that point of time, more than 200,000 ocelots were killed per year for their coats. So Poor thing. Today, with laws prohibiting hunting for the fur trade, there are no Ocelot coats for sale, and the "pet" Ocelot is a thing of the past. At Easy Street, they have turned down offers of $15,000.00 for just one of coat!
[paragraph 2]
Wow! People are just dying to get that coat. What have human done to the ocelots? Have they ever wonder that they are wearing skins of an animal. The ocelots scarified themselves for the sake of making coats? What a ridiculous way of dying. Ocelots are skinned and turn into clothes! What if human are skinned is turned in coats? Majority, people would say “I don’t want to do it as it is very painful”. But the Ocelots are forced to be skinned! They cannot even shout “I don’t want to do it, please leave me alone!” I pity those ocelots.
[paragraph 3]
I suggest that if you want to buy a handbag or any clothes, please buy those that the material is made of other things besides animals’ skin. I once saw a snake's skin handbag. It looked so gross that I do not even dare to touch it. Keep in mind that do not buy animal skinned handbag or any animal skinned clothing. [359 words]
i got this information at http://www.bigcatrescue.org/cats/wild/ocelot.htm


Reflective journal 3-ocelot
Thursday, March 19, 2009 @ 11:22 PM

I read an information about ocelot. I was engrossed with the article. After reading, I felt that ocelot is a very rare cat. The body is covered with attractive, irregular-shaped rosettes and spots giving it a distinctive appearance. The first intention for people was to kill it for their beautiful skins and make them into coats. I think that poachers and hunters are very cruel because they are killing such an innocent animal for their skins. Have they ever spared a thought about the future generation? If ocelots are extinct, the future generations could not see this cute animal anymore and the food chain will not be balance, [example grass is eaten by rabbits and eaten by ocelot. if ocelot extinct rabbits will increase. Therefore, the grass will be decreasing and they cannot photosynthesis to give out enough oxygen for human to breathe]. I suggest that humans must build a natural habitat for the endangered animals and not allowing poachers to go there.

Ocelot’s fine fur has made them the target of countless hunters, and in many areas they are quite rare and endangered. They are protected in the United States and most other countries where they live. Thank god that somebody has taken the first move to save these innocent animals. I felt that if somebody sees an animal that is so beautiful they will try to kill. In my opinion, if poachers are blind there are good benefits. Firstly, they cannot see whether this animal have beautiful skins or not so they would not kill it. Secondly, they cannot aim at the animal and shoot at them. Last but no least, if poachers do not kill ocelot anymore it will not be endangered. Eyes can be so evil.

Thus, I conclude that ocelot is a wonderful animal and have very interesting fact to learn about them. I hope that ocelot is not endangered and the future generation would be able to learn more about them and widen their knowledge. Please save these innocent animals![336 words]
i got this information at http://www.nwf.org/cats/pdfs/ocelotfacts.pdf


Reflective journal 2- ocelot
Sunday, March 15, 2009 @ 9:03 PM

I have just read some topic about ocelot behaviors. I was inspired with the article. While hunting, I did not know that ocelots have two techniques to catch their prey, the slow “hunting-walk” or the “sit and wait.” When using the slow “hunting-walk” technique, the ocelot moves very slowly, maybe like a snail. It also watches and listens for prey. When something is seen or heard, it stops. Oh! This tells that ocelot is good in hearing. Ocelots meals are easily prepare as they no need ingredients. A quick pounce, bite and shake and a meal has been captured. It is so fast.
When using the “sit and wait” technique, the ocelot travels to a location where it sits and waits for thirty minutes to an hour or more. If this ocelot is sitting and waiting for its prey, I think that ocelot is being lazy. Most animal when they see their predators, they would probably run away. Who would want to get eaten by their prey? After waiting, it quickly moves to another location to sit and wait again. Will the ocelot ever feel bored? Maybe they are used to it. The ocelot travels two to three times faster when moving between these locations than when using the slow hunting technique. Even though the ocelots are sitting and waiting, they also have an advantage because they can move very fast. Whether an ocelot lives in the semi-arid desert or the dense forest, a hunting ocelot takes advantage of all available cover and the camouflage of their coat to conceal their approach from their prey. Looks like their bodies are very useful for camouflaging.
Ocelot’s meals are so easy to prepare, I wonder if I could eat something raw without cooking. Life would be so much easier without cooking. I think it will taste awful when people eat it raw. I will just keep in mind that cooking have more benefits like making the food taste better and killing microorganism. [331 words]
i got this information at http://www.livingdesert.org/animals/ocelot.asp


Reflective journal 1- ocelot
@ 6:44 PM

I have read an article about how ocelot looks like. I just know that an ocelot is a normal cat. I did not know that ocelots have cousins. Ocelots are bigger then their cousins, margay and oncilla. Ocelot also weight about 10 to 12 kg. On its body, it is covered spots that run the length of its body. Its coat tends to be more blotched than spotted, and the chain-like blotches and spots are bordered with black, but have a lighter colored center. These markings run the entire length of the cat. The ground color varies from whitish or tawny yellow through reddish gray to gray. The underside is white, and the backs of the ears are black with a central yellow spot. Wow it has different bright colors on its body no wonder it attract people attention. I feel that this gives ocelot this distinctive appearance that has long attracted the attention of fun traders and illegal pet merchants. Ocelots also hunt at night. I can not believe that ocelots can be so active at night.

Do they feel sad that their beautiful skins are attracted by hunters or feel happy that they are born with such unique skins? Since ocelots are very active that means they are not close to open countries like Singapore. How sad because I wanted to see them real live. Ocelots also do not avoid water instead they can swim very well. They should participate in swimming contest. Who knows weather they will win the first prize. [252 words]

i got this information at http://www.bigcatrescue.org/cats/wild/ocelot.htm and http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/ocelot.html


Monday, March 9, 2009 @ 1:28 AM

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